Wishram A single destination for all your needs. This project was created to address the challenges traveler face when trying to find and book hotel rooms, such as unclear information, complicated processes, and the absence of user-friendly interfaces. As the UX Designer, I led the entire design process, from conducting user research to creating final prototypes. The project was completed over a period of four months, utilizing tools like Figma, Miro, Adobe Illustrator, and Photoshop. The primary objective was to design an efficient hotel booking application that simplifies the process and enhances user satisfaction.
My initial step involved conducting competitive research and observing real user interactions. I identified numerous areas of friction and potential improvements. I then organised and structured a substantial amount of raw data, which provided a framework for designing efficient workflows and interactions. This foundation guided me in implementing and testing the solution.
01 | Research |
02 | Define |
03 | Design |
04 | Validate |
The first step was to review similar hotel booking platforms. I selected three apps to research on. This allowed me to identify the plus points and pain points. This research gave me more understanding about what they are doing right and what they are doing wrong.
For the research phase, I conducted a usability test and took notes. I used two scenarios and chose two hotel booking apps for the study. My focus was on observing user emotions and the steps they took while booking hotels. This test helped identify the problems users encountered during the booking process. I gathered all the notes for the next step.
I collected all my notes from the usability test and organized them into three sections. The first section combined my note-taking, Usability test and competitive benchmarking. For the second section, I categorized the observations based on three screens: Home, Search Bar, and Room Selection Page. In the final section, I further subdivided these categories. This organisation helped to easily identify pain points, allowing me to focus on the problems as well as the positive aspects.
The information gathered from my affinity diagram assisted in creating the Customer Journey map. I separated the sub-groupings into distinct screens and noted the goals, behaviours, mental models, positive aspects, and negative points for each screen.
Based on all the research I gathered, I created a user flow. For the initial flow I used a pen and paper and then I finalised the flow diagram digitally on miro.
After finalising the flow diagram, I began developing low-fidelity wireframes. I sketched out all the screens on paper and mapped out the flow. I also indicated the press buttons that navigate to the next page.
The choice of this specific font was intended to enhance the app's readability and clarity. The hotel booking process should be straightforward and stress-free, allowing users to focus on the content rather than worrying about font style or color.
Pantone : #CD3645
Pantone : #30A851
Pantone : #99CCEF
Pantone : #EE88A4
Pantone : #F5F6F6
On the basis of all the research, I created the prototype screens and linked them together on Figma. Please follow the link for full prototype.
Link: https://www.figma.com/proto/2Fzx9ulfLr7rMqJbLXKGjQ/Wishram?node-id-1-2&t=TgNbPlokHtOFObsp-1
Working on the new UX design for a mobile hotel booking app was an exhilarating and fulfilling experience, It allowed me to combine creativity with practicality, ensuring that every aspect contributed to a smooth user experience. From wire-framing to prototyping, each phase offered a chance to innovate and address real user issues. Watching my ideas materialize and testing them with users provided invaluable insights and a great sense of accomplishment. This project not only sharpened my design skills but also deepened my passion for creating intuitive and user-friendly digital solutions.